Daniel Craig Workout Revealed - How to Look Like James Bond

Daniel Craig Workout
Everyone related to body building and fitness want to know about the Daniel Craig workout plan. And how to build a body like Daniel Craig.

Daniel Wroughton Craig(born 2 March 1968) is an English actor best known for playing British secret agent James Bond since 2006. Daniel Craig first introduced muscular body to the role of James bond in Casino Royal (2006). In the later series of bond films he was looking more energetic and in better shapes also. It is done by real hard work.

“I gave up smoking and exercised 5 times a week. At weekends I ate and drank what I liked. The work out lasted only 45 minutes but we didn’t stop. Circuits, lifting, working weights and lots of pull ups … I told my personal trainer, Simon Waterson, I’ve got to look like I could kill someone when I take my shirt off”,said Daniel(for Casino Royale)

“I needed to get as fit as I possibly could, although I was big and muscled last time, I was actually not as fit as I am now” said Daniel[for Quantum of Solace]

Simon Waterson, personal trainer of Daniel said, “The workouts were a blend of power lifting, with a lot of compound exercises thrown in. This allows you to work out extremely hard with heavy weights, and because it's so intense the heart rate is elevated. Therefore, you are working not only on the development of nice lean muscle tissue, but you're also getting a bit of cardio as well, and keeping your body fat down.”

"After a few sessions it was clear Dan was a tough, athletic guy, so I decided the way to get the best results was to add a motivational element, ie competition. I always recommend if you can work out with a friend then it's ten times easier, so rather than just coach him, we actually trained together, pushing each other that bit further.", said Simon

Daniel Craig Workout Plan: Monday to Sunday

Workout is based upon full body circuit with muscle building. Start with Monday full body circuit and rest of the week just focus on chest, arms, shoulders, legs etc. and finish the week with rest and light cardio.

Daniel Craig Workout
Monday & Friday – Full Body Circuit/Power Circuit

Make sure to take 60 to 90 seconds between each circuit set.

Clean and Press – 10 reps
Weighted Knee Raise – 10 reps per leg
Weighted Step-ups – 10 reps per leg
Pullups, Incline Pushup, Triceps Dips - 10 reps

Tuesday – Chest & Back

Incline Bench Press – 4sets of 10 reps
Pullups, Underhand Grip – 4sets of 10 reps
Incline Pushup – 4sets of 10 reps
Incline Dumbbell Flys – 4sets of 10 reps

Wednesday – Legs

At this stage you do not need to burn too much calories.

Squat – 4sets of 10 reps
Straight-Leg Deadlifts – 4sets of 10 reps
Hamstring Curl – 4sets of 10 reps
Weighted Lunge – 4sets of 10 reps

Thursday – Shoulders & Arms

Incline Biceps Curls – 4sets of 10 reps
Triceps Dips – 4sets of 10 reps
Lateral Raises – 4sets of 10 reps
Shoulder Press – 4sets of 10 reps

You can also try this

Squat – 4sets of 10 reps
Straight-Leg Deadlifts – 4sets of 10 reps
Hamstring Curl – 4sets of 10 reps
Weighted Lunge – 4sets of 10 reps

Saturday & Sunday – Rest / Light Cardio

Stay away from the weights. You need one full day for rest.
A minimum of eight hours per night of sleep is recommended.

Craig's Workout Routine(optional)

This workout routine includes Clean and Jerk, Bench Press, Dips, Squat, Pull ups, Barbell Curls, Dumbbell Lateral Raise.
Daniel Craig Workout

Here is an example of a workout plan:

1. Clean & Jerk: 1 set, 15 reps. No rest

2. Squat: 1 set, 15 reps. No rest

3. Bench press: 1 set / 15 reps. No rest

4. Pull ups: 1 set / 15 reps. No rest

5. Dips: 1/15. No rest

6. Barbell Curls: 1/15. No rest

7. Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 1 set of 15 reps (One minute rest and repeat the whole process again.

Daniel Craig Workout: Diet Advise

Daniel Craig Workout

Look likes a Daniel Craig you need a balanced diet. A balanced diet must include protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. All these nutrients are essential during workouts and will keep your metabolism function properly. For carbohydrates you can consume potatoes, rice, oats, whole grain bread, fruits and vegetables etc. And for healthy fats try nuts, avocado or olive oil etc. Stay away from alcohol, soda, sweetened candy, preservatives, fried foods etc. Also stay away from foods that have low nutrition values. Here are some instructions:

1. No refined carbs after 2 p.m. (White bread , pasta,white rice)

2. No starchy carbs after 2 p.m. (no bread, white potato, white rice past a certain time)

3. 2 Litres of water per day

4. 2 Pieces of fruit per day

5. Vegetables everyday

6. Alcohol on weekends only

Daniel Craig Workout: Supplements

Daniel Craig Workout

1. Creatine - for muscular recovery, strength and size

2. Glucosamine - for joint health

3. Glutamine - to improve the immune system and aid with muscle recovery

4. Whey Protein - for muscle tissue repair and growth

If you follow the exact Daniel Craig Workout plan as explained above you too will be able to achieve the same results.

You have read full denial Craig workout plan above. This plan is based on Simon Waterson workout plan. Daniel often did full body circuits, supercharging his heart rate and building muscle and endurance at the same time. Also he maintained his diet plan too. This is pretty different approach to fitness compared to others.

Caution: All the workout should be done under the supervision of a trained professional. Do not try this yourself.

Daniel Craig Workout Revealed - How to Look Like James Bond

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful information, This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for. Thanks a ton once again, Regards, Exercise Plans
